
All the important news about apps, IT solutions and consulting

Discussion about the fiber expansion with the district administrator

Wednesday, April 18, 2018  by Daniel Friedrich  tagged with  ser.soft

In a personal conversation with the district administrator of the district of Karlsruhe Mr. Dr. Christoph Schnaudigel and the mayor of Kürnbach Mr. Armin Ebhart we were able to exchange ideas about the requirements that companies in rural areas have for the expansion of fiber optic.
The fiber optic connection of our location in Kürnbach is now imminent, and in this conversation we were also able to present the urgency of the high-performance connection in our company.

We are only a small IT company, but we have some large customers in the telecommunications and automotive industry, some of which are also internationally positioned and with whom we also have maintenance contracts for the support of the systems developed by us. This requires that we have a reliable and high-performance internet connection at all times in order to meet these requirements.

In addition, the mobile apps we develop either ourselves or on behalf of customers usually rely on cloud connections, for which we also have to transfer larger amounts of data to or from the cloud in a short time during the development phase.

Currently we have two locations for our company. In order to ensure the data storage and communication platform for daily operations, we also rely on rented servers in fail-safe connected data centers and largely do without our own servers in our premises. However, this also requires that we have a good internet connection at our locations.

(f.l.t.r: Georg Ziegler / ser.soft GmbH, district administrator Dr. Christoph Schnaudigel, Daniel Friedrich / ser.soft GmbH, mayor Armin Ebhart)