
All the important news about apps, IT solutions and consulting

New App: Una Parola Per Oggi

Thursday, January 31, 2019  by Daniel Friedrich  tagged with  iOS

Our latest app creation is in the store: Una Parola Per Oggi (A Word for Today)

Una Parola Per Oggi is the historical calendar published every year by Edizioni CEM and illustrating and commenting on a verse of the Bible day by day.
The verse and the short devotion of the current day can also be listened to directly in the app as an audio stream. In addition, both the verse and the devotion can be shared with
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The "fast internet" has arrived

Wednesday, May 16, 2018  by Daniel Friedrich  tagged with  ser.soft

Yesterday it was time. The competent technicians of NetCom-BW were on site to put the new fiber optic connection into operation. After some initial difficulties, which were rather due to the backend configuration, we were able to successfully perform the first speed tests. Afterwards we had to integrate the new internet access into our existing network infrastructure. The high-performance internet connection contributes significantly to our location security. In addition, we can now further

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Discussion about the fiber expansion with the district administrator

Wednesday, April 18, 2018  by Daniel Friedrich  tagged with  ser.soft

In a personal conversation with the district administrator of the district of Karlsruhe Mr. Dr. Christoph Schnaudigel and the mayor of Kürnbach Mr. Armin Ebhart we were able to exchange ideas about the requirements that companies in rural areas have for the expansion of fiber optic.
The fiber optic connection of our location in Kürnbach is now imminent, and in this conversation we were also able to present the urgency of the high-performance connection in our company.

We are only a

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Codable and CoreData

Saturday, October 21, 2017  by Daniel Friedrich  tagged with  ser.soft  |  Macoun

Those who listened to our talk at the Macoun (German) know that we have been dealing with the new Codable Protocol in Swift 4 lately. You can find details about this in our last news entry.

Florian has now also dealt a bit deeper with the use of Codable and CoreData. You can find his further findings in his latest

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Macoun 2017 - Wrap up

Monday, October 9, 2017  by Daniel Friedrich  tagged with  ser.soft  |  Macoun

The Macoun 2017 is already over. It was a great "anniversary Macoun"! Many thanks to the great organization and especially to all interested listeners who attended our talk Codable? - Decoding the Encoder.

You can download the slides for the talk under the following link: Presentation Slides
You can find the source code for the demo in our public GitHub repository:

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Macoun 2017

Tuesday, September 19, 2017  by Daniel Friedrich  tagged with  ser.soft  |  Macoun

This year we are again both sponsor of and speaker at the Macoun (German), the "largest iOS and macOS developer conference in Europe".
This year the topic of our talk is: "Codable? - Decoding the Encoder". Details about our talk can be found in the program of the Macoun (German). Our talk is scheduled for Sunday at 3:00

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New version of BP-Log (formerly BP Diary)

Monday, March 21, 2016  by Daniel Friedrich  tagged with  ser.soft  |  iOS  |  BP Log

We have graphically renewed the BP Diary app and renamed it to BP-Log. The new version is now available in the AppStore (BP-Log in the AppStore). Further details about the app and the new features can also be found on this

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New iOS application: BP-Log

Monday, December 21, 2015  by Daniel Friedrich  tagged with  ser.soft  |  iOS  |  BP Log

With BP-Log you can easily monitor and log your blood pressure and pulse values. In addition, you can also synchronize the values with the Health App. The synchronization can take place automatically when values are recorded or manually via the import/export functionality. In addition, the app also contains a diagram view to display the latest recorded values as a dynamic diagram and a statistics view to determine the min/max values.

The app was submitted to Apple for review today and

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iLosungen released with a new design

Wednesday, July 23, 2014  by Daniel Friedrich  tagged with  ser.soft  |  iOS  |  iLosungen

Many users have been asking for a more modern appearance of iLosungen for some time now. With the current version we have completely redesigned the app and given iLosungen a new, modern and more appealing style. In addition, the possibility to send the current daily devotions via WhatsApp has been added as a new feature. We would be very happy to receive feedback on the new design or further suggestions as well as criticism.

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PZE time tracking now capable of using multiple databses

Monday, March 31, 2014  by Daniel Friedrich  tagged with  ser.soft

Our product PZE time tracking is now capable of using multiple databases. In addition to the previously supported Microsoft SQL Server database, a MySQL database can now also be used as a data store.
In this context, the technical platform of the application was also updated and switched to the use of the current SOAP

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