Our services

We are active in the most diverse areas of IT. Find out here where our core competencies lie and how we can support you in your day-to-day IT work.

App Development

Mobile apps for a mobile world

App Development

Mobile applications are becoming increasingly important in our fast-moving times. In addition, the performance of current end devices is opening up more and more areas in which mobile applications can improve or redesign an existing workflow. This applies to communication with employees and customers as well as apps for end users and private individuals. We support you in the design and development of mobile applications, both in the enterprise environment and for apps for private users. Our focus here is on the development of native apps, as these still best support the different features and special features, as well as the different operating concepts of the respective platform (iOS / Android / Windows Phone).

User Experience

A mobile app is your face to the outside world. We pay attention to modern, simple operating concepts that nevertheless support the complexity of necessary interactions and also use platform-specific features such as MultiTouch, ForceTouch, etc. that the end user is familiar with from various applications on a daily basis.

Connection to backend systems

Mobile applications often have a connection to a web service or an internal company backend system to provide or synchronize the data required for the app, and not just in the enterprise environment. We support you both in the conception and development of the necessary interfaces and do not lose sight of your security policies. We integrate the mobile apps seamlessly into your existing IT landscape.

Publication and distribution

Regardless of whether your app is only to be distributed in-house or via one of the platform-specific app stores. In both cases, we can take over the distribution or publication for you or support you in the process.

App Development

Customized software

Tailored to your needs

Customized software

Every company has its own company-specific processes and special features. Often, these processes cannot be handled, or can only be handled inadequately, with standard software. We therefore develop or expand your individual software so that your processes are optimally supported with the help of modern and powerful IT. This includes backend systems and web services for data storage, processing and provision as well as front-end systems such as web applications, thin clients or standalone applications.

Software that fits your needs

We develop software that meets your requirements and enables you to optimize your work processes.

Building on the existing

We adapt your existing applications to changing conditions or expand them according to your specifications. We create interfaces to other systems so that they can communicate optimally.

Familiar with many environments

We implement applications and services in the enterprise environment as well as in the web and cloud environment. We use the latest technologies and programming languages and naturally adapt to your requirements and existing conditions.

Platform-independent or platform-specific?

Should your application be designed as a platform-independent web application that can be used from any computer without prior local installation? Or do you prefer the extended possibilities in terms of user interaction and user interface design of a platform-specific application? We are at home in both worlds and can advise and support you in deciding which environment suits you best.

Customized software

Database design

At the pulse of time

Database design

The performance and possibilities of databases are constantly increasing - but so is the complexity of development and administration. Here you benefit from our many years of experience with various database systems, which we have acquired through projects for various well-known customers. Whether ORACLE, PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLite or Microsoft SQL Server. We have in-depth experience with many database systems. This includes the high-performance processing and provision of large volumes of data and mass data processing, as well as the connection of real-time applications that require high-performance access to the various database systems.


We have been working in development with ORACLE databases and ORACLE tools since 1996. We have also completed various further training courses directly at ORACLE. Whenever large amounts of data and high-performance processing are involved, ORACLE is always on our shortlist.


Some of our own products and apps are based on the PostgreSQL database. We also like to use this lean and fast database for customer projects.

MySQL / MariaDB

In some of our customer projects we use MySQL or MariaDB for storing data.


Especially when it comes to using a small, lightweight database for an app, for example, SQLite is a popular candidate. Many of our own apps, but also apps that we have developed for customers, use SQLite as a central data store.

Microsoft SQL-Server

Whether installed in Azure, the Microsoft Cloud, or locally, we develop Microsoft SQL Server-based applications for every environment and have already realized successful customer projects with this database.

Database design


At Your Service


Special tasks require special knowledge and skills. The necessary specialists are not always available in a company to handle tasks that are not part of the company's core business. In these cases, we support you with our many years of experience in the realization of various IT projects with our excellent IT know-how, independently and vendor-neutral.

System analysis

We examine the strengths and weaknesses of your software and hardware and develop optimization options.

Customized solutions

We create a software or database concept tailored to your needs - both for the development of individual software and for the expansion of your standard applications.

Project management

We create requirement and functional specifications for you, take over the management and controlling of the project and the development team and communicate with the specialist departments.


We provide you with vendor-neutral support in all IT matters. Thanks to our many years of IT experience, we can show you new perspectives or develop new ideas.
